How to build a brand? What are the contents of enterprise brand building?

How to build a brand? What are the contents of enterprise brand building?

+Industry newsAug 25, 2022

How to build a brand is an old question, we can look at it from a different Angle today. In the process of brand building, the common problems faced by the customers we have served for many years are as follows. First of all, at the beginning of the enterprise, how the enterprise clearly defines itself and who I am. Secondly, when many enterprises are committed to brand development, how to differentiate the brand. Thirdly, when brand strategy is upgraded or refreshed, how to publicize brand culture internally and make a sound externally through clear brand definition and communication. Finally, when the brand strategy is upgraded, how to match the brand visual image of the new strategy. These problems frequently make the development of domestic and foreign enterprises into difficulties, including the top 100 enterprises in the industry.

Number one, the most important first step in corporate branding is to define your brand and define who you are. In terms of brand positioning, enterprises should consider how to perfectly combine the rational core concept of the brand with the perceptual value image. Enterprises often lack control over such combination. The core concept of rationality refers to the advantages of meeting the needs of the target audience and the core selling points of the enterprise. Perceptual value image is related to the preferences of target users, and it is combined with the core concept of brand rationality to further help the brand to establish user cognition, improve brand image and user loyalty.

Second, how to differentiate the brand -- the core value of the brand is the focus throughout. It is not only a slogan, its value is not limited to brand marketing, but can form a strong gathering force inside and outside the enterprise, whether internal staff cohesion upward, or external user reputation, all depend on the establishment of the core value of the brand.

Third, when brand strategy is upgraded or refreshed, accurate and effective voice is crucial. Enterprises need to carry out brand culture promotion internally, and transfer brand concepts such as mission, vision and values to internal employees; External brand communication, clear brand essence, characteristics, commitment, definition, core competitiveness and other advantages spread to customers, partners and investors.

Finally, after the initial brand construction or the strategic upgrading of the brand growth period, how to match the brand visual image of the strategic direction of the enterprise? Enterprises need to establish a brand visual identity system in line with their own while making clear the direction of new brand strategy development, starting from brand culture and positioning to each contact point of brand experience, to ensure the standardization and unity of brand visual communication.

About Hauns 

Hauns is a creative strategic thinking to import brand growth of the consulting company, we have a broad international perspective, to import brand within the creative strategic thinking, through the research analysis, strategic positioning, brand design and other professional core ability, build a complete brand system from inside to outside, with professional services for the brand, Help enterprises to achieve real brand growth, brand recognition image of a new look!

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