Shenzhen vi design_Shenzhen logo design company_Shenzhen brand planning company

Shenzhen vi design_Shenzhen logo design company_Shenzhen brand planning company

+Industry newsNov 08, 2022

Not long ago, Shenzhen released a list of the top 500 companies, of which 122 are new to the list, 3 are over 100 billion, 16 are over 10 billion, and 62 are over 1 billion. Among the newly listed enterprises, about 27.87% are listed companies, 60.66% are state-owned enterprises, 73.77% are private enterprises, and 60.66% are enterprises in Shenzhen's "20+8" key industrial areas. (Data from the 2022 Shenzhen Top 500 Companies Development Report)

In the rising of new enterprises in Shenzhen, if Shenzhen enterprises do not create excellent vi design, then how to stand out in the big market?

Professional excellent brand planning company in shenzhen can grasp the main points of the enterprises in shenzhen, insight into large market changes in the direction of economic development, should be in constant change, from the perspective of brand strategy, clear enterprise's core values, to build shenzhen enterprise unique DNA, and the internationalization of professional brand image, enhance brand competitiveness.

Starting from the core values of the enterprise itself, Shenzhen brand design infuses the indispensable soul into the brand culture, in order to occupy their minds in the customer group, form emotional, psychological or spiritual resonance with them, enhance the brand loyalty of the customer group, so as to build the future of the brand and brand association.

Huans is by way of shenzhen vi design planning company visual transmission of visual and quickness, the internationalization of enterprises to create unique professional shenzhen vi design and corporate image, and can help enterprises in shenzhen better brand message in the brand development, to create highly differentiated brand image and vi design in shenzhen, to live in big market neutral heel.

Next Xiao huan will share with you a group of[original]Shenzhen vi design cases.

About Hauns 

Hauns is a creative strategic thinking to import brand growth of the consulting company, we have a broad international perspective, to import brand within the creative strategic thinking, through the research analysis, strategic positioning, brand design and other professional core ability, build a complete brand system from inside to outside, with professional services for the brand, Help enterprises to achieve real brand growth, brand recognition image of a new look!

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