How to do VI design well?

How to do VI design well?

+Industry newsAug 25, 2022

"Good VI design is like a bridge, can pass the brand core value through the visual performance, help the brand to better voice to the outside world!"

As a professional brand agency that has won many design awards in the world, every year we meet different types of business customers, as well as new graduates or new brands and design practitioners who have just entered the workplace. Although they come from different fields, they will raise similar related questions. So how do we define good VI design? How to do a good VI design?

From the perspective of brand and business, we have concluded that a set of good VI design needs to have four characteristics: malleability, identifiability, uniformity, and implementability.

01 Malleability in Vi design

Excellent VI design must have strong malleability, from brand logo, brand font, brand auxiliary graphics, brand color and other VI design system elements can be extended to different brand contact points and brand communication, that is, VI design malleability. For example, for RayTools, a design case of a Swiss industrial brand that won many brand awards, the logo, color and auxiliary graphics of RayTools can be well extended to the subsequent brand contact points, so we can say that this set of VI is malleable.

02 Identification in Vi design

Professional VI design must have identifiable, which is the basic condition of a VI design system. What is identifiability? We think in reverse, if we can't identify the brand after removing the logo, then its identifability is basically zero. For example, for a set of brand VI design cases of new drug research and development, if we remove its logo, can we effectively identify which brand it is? The answer is yes.

03 Unity in Vi Design

The whole VI design must have unity. For example, if we look at a set of VI design and squint to observe, can it maintain a unified visual perception? If the answer is yes, then we can determine that it has unity. For example, we put the whole VI system together to squint, and the professional and unified visual perception is not what you see is what you get!

04 Landing execution in Vi design

The full set of VI design must be implementable. No matter how beautiful VI design is, it also needs to be landed. The VI design system that can not be executed is just a set of templates and has no practical guiding significance. Therefore, as hauns did a new energy VI design case - Pai Zhi, a good VI design system needs to be designed to take into account the implementation of the landing level, to help enterprises or brands better planning guidance.

The above VI design cases are produced by Hauns brand creative strategy design team.

About Hauns 

Hauns is a creative strategic thinking to import brand growth of the consulting company, we have a broad international perspective, to import brand within the creative strategic thinking, through the research analysis, strategic positioning, brand design and other professional core ability, build a complete brand system from inside to outside, with professional services for the brand, Help enterprises to achieve real brand growth, brand recognition image of a new look!

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