Shanghai vi Design_Shanghai Brand design_Shanghai brand planning

Shanghai vi Design_Shanghai Brand design_Shanghai brand planning

+Industry newsNov 17, 2022

As the city whose GDP ranks the first among all cities in China, the revenue of the top 100 enterprises in Shanghai reached 9,648.811 billion yuan in 2022. Compared with the revenue of last year's top 100 enterprises, the growth rate of this year's top 100 enterprises in Shanghai was 13.86%, and the threshold for enterprises to enter the list was increased from 8.418 billion yuan in 2021 to 8.847 billion yuan, at least 5% higher. (Data from Shanghai Top 100 Emerging Industries Development Report 2022)

In the economic circle of Shanghai enterprises, it can be said that the development of opportunities and challenges coexist, a set of excellent brand design planning, can help Shanghai enterprises stand out from many enterprises.

Professional Shanghai vi design company according to the development of the market environment and the development trend of the enterprise itself, to create a very unique style of vi design for enterprises, to better help Shanghai enterprises to establish their own unique brand characteristics, highlight the excellent corporate image.

Shanghai brand design is conducive to the long-term development of Shanghai enterprises, through the thorough understanding of the core cultural values of the brand, for the core value of Shanghai enterprises into the soul, to create a more unique visual identity system, seize the mind of the customer group.

Shanghai Huans Brand planning company has excellent international brand management strategy, Shanghai enterprises need to face more diversified development, Shanghai Huans brand design company can help Shanghai enterprises to build a more advantageous international corporate image, enhance the brand confidence of Shanghai enterprises to go out.

Next, Xiao Huan will share with you a group of[original]vi design cases in Shanghai.

About Hauns 

Hauns is a creative strategic thinking to import brand growth of the consulting company, we have a broad international perspective, to import brand within the creative strategic thinking, through the research analysis, strategic positioning, brand design and other professional core ability, build a complete brand system from inside to outside, with professional services for the brand, Help enterprises to achieve real brand growth, brand recognition image of a new look!

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